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FAX: 096-373-5031
E-mail: higo-program@jimu.
Dear all the participants of the Key Forum,
I sincerely appreciate your active participation in the symposium, which was a great success.
We enjoyed science of high quality and fruitful discussions, thanks to all of you.
I would like to thank the invited speakers, chairpersons, scientists who presented the posters, all the participants, as well as many administrative staffs who supported the symposium.
I felt very happy to see the young scientists discuss very actively at the poster sessions. I am also sure that 1-min-poster presentations were good experiences for the young students and postdocs.
I hope all of you had a stimulating time during the symposium.
I wish you continued success in your science.
Best wishes,
Ryuichi Nishinakamura
Chair, organizing committee of the Key Forum 2014=
- 2014.09.12シンポジウムの写真を掲載しました。
- 2014.08.12「当日のお荷物のお預かりについて」を公開いたしました。
- 2014.08.12「ポスター発表に関するご案内」を公開いたしました。
- 2014.08.12「熊本医学・生物科学国際シンポジウム託児室のご案内」を公開いたしました。
- 2014.04.11熊本医学・生物科学国際シンポジウム「幹細胞制御と臓器再建」のホームページを公開いたしました。